Great game, one interface bug to report
Tue Jul 20 2021 glenraLove the game but I hit an annoying interface bug that only shows up after a lot of playing: If you tap to bring up the current “lost goals” list, when that list is enough to be more than one screenful it can be vertically scrolled (to see what’s offscreen) by grabbing an *uncompleted* goal but can NOT be scrolled by grabbing a *completed* goal. So once you’ve got more than a screenful of adjacent *completed* goals it is *impossible to see the whole list* and it is possible to scroll away from the current goal but then get stuck where you can’t scroll BACK because there’s no handle to let you do that. It’s easy to get the game into a state where you can’t view any of your uncompleted goals using the list.
(A partial workaround is to force-quit and restart the app - that repositions you to the top of the list where you can at least see SOME of your open goals.)
It’s okay but so much the same
Sat Jul 17 2021 =awesomeFor how much tine it’s been since altos odd. I feel like maybe the chance to do new tricks like flip forward instead of just backwards by splitting the screen press points would be awesome.. new world design like let’s say perhaps instead of just ridding a bumpy wall you could jump into the clouds and surf through like space or time riding some stars .. maybe board upgrades.. new characters.. new worlds like not just desert and water sliding.. say dense jungle and then winter.. or even garbage mounts.. ocean? So many cool things to apply the smooth controls of this game too yet more of the same. The Apple App Store has far too little games that don’t require you keep punching in giant amounts of money.. and is also limited (IMO) in the truly good games area. Card games bleh. Platform games heck yes! Don’t get me wrong there are gems.. but the gems have long been here without much new. The Apple Arcade.. it’s pretty okay.. hope it gets better.
Anyhow, really hope the developers create another alto or like 5 more altos just with new ideas man.. I like the hidden city.. was very easy to get map pieces and ride through it.. the ride through it wasn’t epic.
Not too much added but still amazing
Sat Jul 24 2021 fdasscgarHonestly, it's basically the same as the original Alto's Odyssey, with a couple new things. There's the new biome (the Lost City) and lost goals, but other than that, it's pretty much the same. Don't get me wrong, I love this as much as the original Odyssey, and words cannot describe how excited it got me to see that you could sync your progress from the main game, instead of having to start over. Short answer for anyone wondering if they want this: if you enjoyed Alto's Odyssey, go for it. It's quite fun and slightly addicting. But if you're looking for a while new experience out of this, you're not going to find one. Still, good job Snowman+Land&Sea!
Interesting but flawed
Sat Jan 29 2022 Highfive2000The game is interesting in that new elements reveal themselves consistently (with rock sliding, ruins, collecting things, and the city), the art design is amazing, and the zen mode is pretty fun. I think there are some serious flaws with it too, though. The main issue is the fact that the time-of-day and weather changes a lot, which is sometimes cool (like the thunderstorms with blue lightning), but this causes a problem because the character and all the obstacles are dark, so it’s impossible to see where you are and where the rocks are. The rock sliding mechanism is also problematic, where it’s usually impossible to chasm jump using rocks, and it sometimes flips the character instead of sliding on the rock, causing a crash. The only other things are that it’d be nice if the stuff in the shop was more affordable compared to how hard it is to earn money, and maybe it’d be cool if there were not rocks in the zen mode, or at least the person stood back up from a crash quicker.
Corrupting GameCenter data
Wed Aug 11 2021 DelhuxI play this game on my phone and AppleTV.
My AppleTV is set up with separate users, each with their own AppleID logins for AppStore, GameCenter, etc.
My saved progress has been cross-pollinating with my family members who use their own accounts on the AppleTV.
1) My account was the first to unlock the Lost City, but when my wife played her account she could see “lost goals” appear on her game screen, before she unlocked the Lost City
2) My game progress reverted to my wife’s progress (I was in the mid-30’s level) and suddenly my progress was back to her level at level 24.
4) She opened her game tonight and had lost all of her upgrades. When she checked the workshop, her workshop reflected mine (I had never purchased an upgrade, but had 12,000+ coins). She used the 12,000+ coins to “Re-purchase” her missing items, but then I checked the app on my phone and my game now showed al the repurchased items and depleted coins that she had just done in her account.
I had something similar happen with Sp!ng for Apple Arcade and the developers were able to reach out to me and resolve the bugs.
I suspect Alto Lost City is having the same issue.
I purchased the other alto games in the past and was excited to try the Apple Arcade version, but so far losing progress, losing coins, and corrupting my Family members games has taken the fun out of this release.
Sat Oct 30 2021 M icloudThe game is wonderful, no words to describe its beauty from the start. SUGGESTION: The game seriously needs a story to distinguish itself from other Alto Odyssey games. I would like to see a main story for the sandboarding guy exploring the vast landscape discovering mysterious places with history or something similar. I would like to see dialogue for the sandboarding guy able to tell and describe its surroundings. Also, allow the sandboarding guy able to walk instead of boarding.
MULTIPLAYER!!! Able to play with other people to complete an alternate story or just for fun Adding thise features will make this game one of the top adventure games. Please developers add this features.
Great Extension
Fri Jul 16 2021 SpeghettiBROAltos Odyssey The Lost City is not only a fun game but a rewarding one the original odyssey had many mechanics and features than the Altos first game and the lost city expanded upon that feeling of finding something new, unlocking a new feature, or doing some cool tricks to new heights! I have yet to finish the game, I have collected only 3 map fragments, perhaps I will write a new review when I finish. I’ve finished the first two games and loved them, every time team alto releases a new game it just keeps getting better. I suggest the next Alto game could be surfing in water with moving waves and shipwrecks.
Great job team Alto!
Could be a 5 star game if it weren’t so dark
Fri Oct 22 2021 Kkerr86It’s a gorgeous game, intuitive and fun. Unfortunately the “dynamic weather” makes it almost unplayable when it is nighttime. For some strange reason the developers decided to make the character dark, on a dark background, with dark obstacles. You can’t even see your character half the time, thus having no idea how to be oriented to stick a landing, or avoid an invisible rock.
When it’s daylight the game is very enjoyable, which seems to be only about 1/3 of the time. If there were options to keep the character bright and the rocks were even 50% more visible it would be a 5 star game. As of now it is a pretty good game, with some frustratingly poor design flaws that could be resolved with minor tweaks.
Ok for a few hours fun but too many flaws
Sat Aug 07 2021 LuxAddict47A decent sequel with a few original elements, but the difficulty makes for tedious grinding progression and too much dependence on luck. I get that many of the scenes are at night but the game is often simply too dark to play. Flying blind is entertaining once or twice but after 3 crashes in a rapid succession it just feels unbalanced and unfair. If you are trying to play the game anywhere but a dark room, forget it. The new Lost City objectives are a twist, but only being able to have one active at a time feels like they are just trying to stretch it out needlessly and turns the game into a frustrating and tedious grind. Like previous Altos, the items in the store are priced too high. The option of slogging through a dozens runs to secure a single use helmet is just unfun.
Solid, but with a few flaws
Mon Aug 16 2021 NeurobashingIt’s a solid, reliable way to kill time at the DMV or whatever, with great graphics and sound. It also has a few problems: it’s *dark*, for one. You are never in the day, it’s always a rain storm or sand storm, then right on to night, then back into another sandstorm.
Second, the RNG can be a harsh mistress, resulting in grind. I’ve been playing for 2 weeks or something without the thing I need to do a trick appearing. This makes the game grindy since I can’t progress any further until the RNG gives me the terrain I need.
It’s a fun little game but frustrating, which is kinda sad because it’s built for casual play with a relaxing vibe.